Become a Partner
To carry Ephemeral ink in your respective country, submit your interest below and start the process.
Why become a Partner?

Reach New Customers
70% of existing Ephemeral customers are first-time tattoo wearers. They either want the freedom to change their designs in the future, to test the waters or simply cannot get a permanent tattoo. Be one of the first artists in your city to offer tattoos to a whole new audience.

See your Customers More Often
Tattoos are addictive. 1 in 4 Ephemeral tattoo wearers get their second tattoo within the first year of their first and over half plan to make their Ephemeral tattoos permanent. Become your customers' go-to-artist.

Grow your Brand
Only Partners are featured on our website, in our socials and in our email newsletter. That's hundreds of thousands of new impressions you can make. We know how hard it is to stand out and we want to help.

I choose to work with Ephemeral because it’s innovative and different. It also allows those who aren’t sure about permanence to venture safely into the unknown. Nothing great was ever accomplished by staying in your comfort zone, why should tattooing be any different?
- The Ginger, Ephemeral Partner